Hex. 63 cu linie 6 si Hex. 37 28 mai, 2016 07:01 |
Inregistrat: 8 ani zi(le) Postari: 4 |
Re: Hex. 63 cu linie 6 si Hex. 37 29 mai, 2016 10:56 |
Admin Inregistrat: 16 ani zi(le) Postari: 220 |
Re: Hex. 63 cu linie 6 si Hex. 37 29 mai, 2016 03:46 |
Inregistrat: 8 ani zi(le) Postari: 4 |
Re: Hex. 63 cu linie 6 si Hex. 37 29 mai, 2016 09:14 |
Admin Inregistrat: 16 ani zi(le) Postari: 220 |
His action is violent and perilous, like that one attempting to cross a ford, and being plunged overhead into the water (Legge).
Re: Hex. 63 cu linie 6 si Hex. 37 30 mai, 2016 03:31 |
Inregistrat: 8 ani zi(le) Postari: 4 |
Re: Hex. 63 cu linie 6 si Hex. 37 31 mai, 2016 11:28 |
Admin Inregistrat: 16 ani zi(le) Postari: 220 |
hexagrama 37 10 august, 2016 03:45 |
Inregistrat: 9 ani zi(le) Postari: 93 |
Re: hexagrama 37 10 august, 2016 06:25 |
Admin Inregistrat: 16 ani zi(le) Postari: 220 |
Totul se refera la familie sau in cadru mai larg la asociatie sau grup de interese structurat piramidal. Undeva e probabil o greseala sau ati mai avut ceva in cap cind ati pus intrebarea. Contextul este incomplet precizat... asa ca nu pot sugera nimic...Quote
The fifth NINE, undivided, shows the influence of the king extending to his family. There need be no anxiety; there will be good fortune.
Re: hexagrama 37 10 august, 2016 09:34 |
Inregistrat: 9 ani zi(le) Postari: 93 |
Totul seQuote
The fifth NINE,
> undivided, shows the influence of the king
> extending to his family. There need be no anxiety;
> there will be good fortune.
Re: hexagrama 37 10 august, 2016 10:25 |
Admin Inregistrat: 16 ani zi(le) Postari: 220 |
Totul seQuote
The fifth NINE,
> > undivided, shows the influence of the king
> > extending to his family. There need be no
> anxiety;
> > there will be good fortune.